How do I save a document to MetaShare from an Office application?

If the document that you are going to save already exists in MetaShare but you want to save it as another document, follow these instructions.

MetaShare does not have an own Office Add-on that users, from the different Office applications, can use to save documents directly to a MetaShare workspace, so the way that we recommend our users to save documents from Office applications to MetaShare is to use one of the following methods, where method 1 is probably the easiest.

Regardless of method the first step is to, from your Office application, save your document by selecting the:

  1. “Save As” option in the document’s “File” tab:
    • if the document is newly created and not yet saved anywhere.
  2. “Save a Copy” option in the document’s “File” tab:
    • if the document is in Read-only mode, when you e.g. open a Word attachment from an e-mail.
    • if the document already is stored somewhere else and is opened in Edit mode.

Method 1 – Save the document to a file folder and later upload them to MetaShare from there

  1. Select a suitable folder on your disk to store the document. Our recommendation would be to save to the “Downloads” folder, as the document will probably be deleted after it has been uploaded to MetaShare. A recommendation is that you pin the folders that you normally save documents to and then these pinned folders will be accessible from the Recent folders section on the top of the “Save As” window:
    Save a document to the "Downloads" folder
    If you have not yet saved any documents to the “Downloads” folder, you can save to it by clicking on Browse:
    Save a document by browsing for a folder
    And then selecting your computer’s Download folder. The next time you save a document you can then pin the Download folder, located under the Recent locations, to quicker access it.
  2. Now you can upload the document from the Download folder to a MetaShare workspace, following these instructions.

Method 2 – Save the document directly to a MetaShare workspace

  1. If your account is added to Office, you will get the option to save the document directly to a SharePoint site but clicking on the option that starts with “Sites – “. On the right-hand side, you will then get a list of your most frequent sites:
    Save a document to a frequently used MetaShare workspace
    For a site to be available in this list, you must with other words first have been working with documents in the site.

    A bit further down the list of frequent sites, you get a list of your followed sites:
    Save a document to a followed MetaShare workspace
    So to get a workspace to be presented in these lists you either need to work in a site for some time or you need to follow a site.
  2. Once you have selected a site, you will have to define a name for the document, select the document format (Word document, in the example below) and then click on the Document folder:
    Define a document name, select the document format and click on the Document folder
  3. After having clicked on the document folder you can now click on the “Save” button:
    Click on the "Save" button
  4. SharePoint will now ask the user which Content Type the document should be saved as. By default, it proposes Document:
    Which Content Type should the document be saved as - by default, Document is proposed
    Select the Content Type that’s been defined in the workspace where you’re saving the document to and click on the “OK” button:
    Which Content Type should the document be saved as - change to the appropriate one
  5. Word will now display the SharePoint properties (the document’s metadata) so you can fill in the document’s metadata in the form:
    Word displays the document's SharePoint properties
  6. Once you have filled in the appropriate metadata you can save the document by clicking on the “Retry Save” button:
    When the metadata is filled in you can now save the document
  7. The yellow warning message will now disappear, and the document will now be saved to the workspace:
    The document is saved to the workspace
    and the document will be shown on the top of the workspace, with all the metadata set:
    The document is shown on the top of the workspace
  8. The next time you save a document to the same workspace, the location of the workspace will be saved on the top of your Recent locations and from there you can choose to pin the location:
    The location of the workspace is saved as one of your Recent locations