Introduction to a workspace

A workspace is a container for a set of documents, only accessible to the members of the workspace. The workspace’s configuration will define which metadata columns to show in the document list and which document filters to present on the workspace.

When you open a workspace it will look something like this (you will most likely have other names on the columns and filters):
A workspace's start page

The workspace has 4 main areas:

  1. The main zone presenting a list of documents:
    A workspace's document list
    1. You only see documents that you have permission to.
    2. The list shows initially 50 documents, and if you scroll to the bottom of the page, the next batch of 50 documents will be shown.
    3. The documents are initially sorted on when they were modified, showing the latest modified documents on the top of the list. You can however change the sorting by clicking on any of the list’s column headers.
    4. Clicking on a document’s name will open the document.
    5. Clicking on a document’s metadata values will filter the documents on the metadata value.
    6. Selecting a document will show the document’s functions in the toolbar.
    7. Above the document list you have a search box that allows you to search for documents or search for a tag to filter the documents on.
  2. The left zone, showing document filters that you can open and select to filter the documents on the value that you select:
    Document filters
  3. The top bar, with these elements, from left to right:
    MetaShare's top bar
    1. A link to MetaShare’s start page
    2. The name of the workspace, that when clicked on, will reload the workspace
    3. These workspace icons that link to:
      1. The logged in user’s document tasks
      2. 3 subpages where you can view/set the workspace’s permissions
      3. The workspace’s recycle bin
      4. The workspace’s SharePoint site
      5. MetaShare help
      6. The logged in user’s profile
  4. A toolbar showing document functions:
    1. Before selecting any documents in the list, you will see these 3 functions:
      The initial functions on the toolbar
      1. Create a document based on one of the available document template
      2. Upload one or several documents
      3. Copy a link to the document list
    2. After having selected one or more documents, you will see these document functions:
      The documents functions on the toolbar
      1. View/edit document properties (also available when selecting multiple documents)
      2. View a document’s version history
      3. Share a document
      4. Publish/unpublish a document
      5. Submit a document for approval
      6. Download documents (also available when selecting multiple documents)
      7. Create an alert for a document
      8. Cut documents (also available when selecting multiple documents)
      9. Delete documents (also available when selecting multiple documents)
      10. Open in (allows you to choose how you want to open the document)
    3. On the far right you will always have these functions:
      Sort function and document selection counter
      1. If documents in the list have been selected, you will see how many are selected, with the option to deselect them
      2. A document sorting menu